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About Classes
You do NOT need to be a member to attend classes at The Manufactory.

The primary focus of The Manufactory is to provide our members with a safe, enjoyable and productive experience. The most important way of providing that experience is through our educational program. Education helps to enhance the experience in these ways.
- Safety, job #1. Our classes are designed to teach everyone how to use a tool properly so they they do not harm themselves, others or the equipment. This task is accomplished by consulting with numerous sources to determine the best instructional methods to achieve this goal. It is important that everyone using our tools be on the same page regarding their proper use.
- Enjoyment. Having a clear understand of how to safely use a piece of equipment adds greatly to the experience of using a tool. Scratching your head and guessing which lever to turn leads to anxiety and sometimes spoiled efforts. Our members come from a wide variety of experience. Some have worked around equipment their entire lives, some barely know how to hold a hammer, one thing is certain, no one knows it all. Education is the tool we use to help everyone have a common understanding. We all have to share the space, and knowing that the person working next to you has had the same training as you, is comforting to know and improves your personal safety.
- Productivity. Our classes will not make you an expert overnight. You only truly learn by doing. We make every effort to make sure that everyone gets basic hands on experience and give them insights that will provide a head start on becoming more productive and reduce spoilage.
Class Types: The Manufactory offers several types of classes. The Safe Use classes (SU) are required to operate most of the larger pieces of equipment in The Manufactory. Once these classes have been taken a member becomes qualified to operate the covered equipment.
- Basic shop Safe Use (SU) classes acquaint participants with a variety of equipment in a particular shop. Example: Metal Shop (SU) or Wood Shop (SU). These classes are introductory to the concepts of the materials and tools used in these shops and qualify participants on the use of several machines in one class. These classes must be taken prior to taking more advanced classes in that shop. Example: Basic metal shop must be taken prior to taking 3 axis mill or MIG welding.
- Equipment Safe Use (SU) classes are be more focused on a particular machine or task. They are required in order to use a particular piece of type of equipment. Example: 3 axis mill (SU).
- Skill Development involves working one-on-one with a member of our staff to assist you with achieving your goals and learning advanced techniques. Pricing is per hour.
- Project classes are designed to teach you more advanced techniques under the direction of a skilled instructor. In these classes you will not only learn new techniques and skills, you go home with a very nice creation.
- Enrichment classes are less tied to equipment than other classes. Some are craft type classes such as leather working or glass blowing, others may be more technological such as building with carbon fiber, RTV mold making or arduino programming. These classes are not part of the standard curriculum of The Manufactory and will be developed and presented by members or outside persons. Our staff will make a basic review of the class offering to determine suitability to our space and will work with the presenter to determine an appropriate schedule and fees. These classes will come and go largely determined by popularity. If you have a class you would like to teach in our space please contact us, we would love to here from you!
Our Guarantee: Members may repeat any Safe Use class, at no charge, up to two times, until they feel comfortable with the basic safe operation of the equipment covered in the class. For advanced/non Safe Use classes, members may repeat the class, at no charge, one time. The following conditions apply:
- Repeating a class for no charge is available to yearly/monthly members only. You do not need to be a member at the time of the initial class, only for the repeat.
- No charge repeats will only be granted to persons making a sincere effort to participate in the class. Arriving late/leaving early, cell phone use, or other violators of class rules will not be given free repeats.
- Materials for repeat classes are not included, if a separate materials fee for the class is not stated, a reasonable charge will be determined.
- No charge repeats for enrichment classes will be up to the discretion of the class instructor.
Classes are just the beginning. When you become a member of The Manufactory you become part of a network of like minded people. Our instructors, staff and members become a valuable learning resource that you can tap for additional knowledge. If at any time you need help solving a problem or additional instruction, just ask, we are here to help. Not every tool that we have in the shop is taught individually if you need to know how to use a particular tool, our staff can give you individual instruction on the use of the tool. We are also building a library of technical books in the lounge and our computers contain instruction manuals, links to videos and other resources that apply to the equipment we have.
Class policies and rules:
- You can sign up and pay online through our secure system. If you would like to pay by cash or check you must call to make the reservation.
- Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior the class start time to receive a refund. If you need to cancel, please call.
- Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled class time to complete class sign in. Participants will not be permitted to join the class once it has started.
- If the class minimum attendance level is not met at least 2 hours prior to the beginning of class, or for other reasons, the class may be cancelled (instructors may waive minimum requirement). Payments can be refunded or used to take the class at a later date.
- We will attempt to contact participants of cancellations by the means presented during registration.
- Most classes will include a booklet that will outline the steps taken in class, diagrams, etc. These booklets are a valuable reference when you need to review what was taught in class.
Class training manuals - Video and/or audio recording of classes is not permitted without prior permission of The Manufactory management. However, you may record, for personal use, short duration clips or photos relevant to your personal experience in the class, provided the recording is not disruptive and you have the permission of the instructor and any persons that are recorded.
- Participants are expected to pay attention and not be a distraction in class. Use of cell phones or excessive talking are disrespectful to the other participants and the instructor. Even though most classes only require participation to qualify for machine operation, at the instructor’s discretion, a participant may be “failed” if they do not participate in an appropriate manner.
- Please wear appropriate clothing, NO OPEN-TOE SHOES.
- Chewing gum is permitted, provided you bring enough for everyone. (Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.)

Have you have recently taken early retirement or been downsized and received a severance package? Many of these packages will pay for retraining. Classes and/or membership at The Manufactory often qualify under these plans and will be paid for by your former employer.
Contact the coordinator of your program to find out if you can use your benefits to learn new skills at The Manufactory!